Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Minnow Pond Hunt 2

This past Saturday we went back to the minnow pond hunting club. There was a big change in the weather from last weekend to this weekend. Temperature was 25 degrees, with 20 mph wind gust. Hogie, Billy Jr. (from the hunting club), Terry, and I decided to try it out to see how the dogs would do. I thought it was going to be a not so good hunt, but I was wrong. This was probably one of my best hunts this season, even though I did not kill. Race 1 - The dogs worked really hard in the minnow ponds and drove a rabbit out, I took the first shot and missed. Terry took a shot at the bunny as it passed him, and he missed. Race 2 - The dogs drove rabbit out of another thick minnow pond. Hogie took the kill. Race 3 - The bunny slipped by us and hit the woods. It circled back and Hogie was in the right spot again. Kill 2 for Hogie. If you read the story in Minnow Pond Hunt about the rabbit in the pipe, we got on him again. Deja vu! But this time he was not so lucky. Terry took the kill. By this time, night was falling. Race 4 -On our way back to our vehicles, we jumped another rabbit. The dogs brought it by me, and again I missed. We had an awesome day. The dogs proved that cold weather and wind doesn't stop dogs when they are eager to hunt!!!

Minnow Pond Hunt

I have some friends that have a deer hunting club in Blount County. They invited us to hunt there once deer season was over. The hunting club has dried up minnow ponds all over it with briars so thick that you can not walk through them. We went there 2 weeks ago, with an outdoor temperature at 70 degrees and rain on the way. Several from the hunting club came out to hunt with me and Hogie. Dogs ran great that day, but we only had one bunny to show for it. I was the lucky one to take the kill. There is one bunny that I want to share it's story with you... in one of the minnow ponds is an underground pipe that goes from the pond to a road. Hank jumped the rabbit, and lost it really quick. Hogie noticed that Hank was around the pipe, we found where the pipe came out on the road, called the dogs and they picked up the track, the dogs ran for a while and then bottom fell out of the sky. The rain caused the rabbit to survive another day. No pictures to share, but we had a great time and was invited to come back.

Monday, January 30, 2012

It's not about the's all about the CHASE!!!

On Saturday, Hogie, Randy and I went back to one of our honey holes. The dew point was within 10 degrees of the temperature and the barametric pressure was 29. Perfect scent conditions for a great hunt. The dogs hit the ground and with-in no time,  we had our first race. Hogie took the first rabbit of the day. Dogs were on another one, circled it by me, I caught a glimpse of the bunny, but could not shoot. The dogs took the rabbit on another loop. Randy said that Spot almost caught the rabbit on the upper side were he was posted. Dogs still on the same rabbit, brought it back down to me, but I still could not get a shot. This race continued on for another 10 to 15 minutes - rabbit must have holed up (it was lost). Dogs jumped another one, they crossed the creek, up the hill, back to Hogie. Hogie shoots twice, as he approaches the rabbit, he could hear the rabbit in a hole. We could not retrieve it. Final race of the day was a very exciting race for me, because the dogs jumped, the rabbit goes to the top of the hill, back down to the creek, and then back to the top of the hill. I head to the top of the hill along with the dogs. They have a let down, as they are looking for the rabbit, I am shedding clothes because of the temperature. Then all of the sudden, the rabbit jumps a foot in front of me and over Hammer. I never saw it. The race is on again. He makes the same loop, but this time I was ready and took the kill. Only 2 rabbits to show, but a great day for the dogs. We were so proud of each of them.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Alex's first kill

What seemed to be a not so good hunting day, turned into the best hunt ever. This mornings group was Hogie, Randy, Justin Butts, Terry, Josh, Alex and me. Woke up with high expectations after Thursday's big hunt. Alex was fired up too, up early waiting on me. We met at Josh's house around 8:45, frost was still on the ground. Turn the dogs out. The dogs could never hook up on a rabbit. After about 2 hours, we decided to call it a day. Alex did not want to go home so soon. Alex, Terry and I went to one of our other honey holes to hunt. We unloaded the dogs, went to an area where you could see signs of cane cutters (bark chewed off saplings). Hank jumped, carried it a little ways, but the dogs still could not carry the rabbit. Walked further down. Hank jumped and finally hooked a small cotton tail. They carried the rabbit over a ridge and brought it back. ALEX TOOK THE KILL!!!!!!! I was so proud of Alex for his first kill. He was smiling from ear to ear.

Dog food - $30
Dog kennel - $1000
Dogs - $$$$$
Alex's first kill - PRICELESS

Congratulations to Hogie on his 2nd buck he killed. This one was a nice looking 7pt.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Back in the Briars

Finally back in the woods. Last Saturday, we worked at the football field on renovation projects (actually a little to hot to run the dogs, so it worked out). The weather around here has been up and down and lots of rain. Hogie, Randy and I had an oppurtunity to go to a new location that had lots of rabbit signs and rabbits. Randy brought his 1912 double barrel 20 guage and put it to good use. Less than 3 minutes after the tailgate was dropped, the dogs jumped and were hot on the bunny. Hogie took the first rabbit of the day. We worked the dogs back up to the top of the hill. Within no time, the dogs were back in action. They took the rabbit around a large pond. I was standing on the dam and Randy was above me, the rabbit went between us. Randy cleared me and was able to take a shot with his nice 20 guage. The rabbit did not go down, where it was shot. The dogs came by, hot on the track, and went about 50 yards and shut down. The next thing we see is Hank with the rabbit in his mouth, bringing it back to us. The third race started at 10:30, the dogs jumped a large cane cutter (the rabbit with 8 lives). Hogie took 3 shots the first time it came by, dogs made another big circle...Hogie took another 4 shots. Needless to say, the rabbit out smarted us all today. The race finally ended at 12pm. The rabbit lived to see another day.  We were very pleased with all of our dogs today, 2 rabbits down. My dad joined us for the celebration.